Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I left home without it

I havent posted in a long time other than a brief message that I was going to post the next day. mmm Life has a way of putting things off.
So today I will post about my camera and why I get so mad at myself for leaving it at home even when I am just going down the street.
I am not a photographer by any means but I do like to take pics of things that I find interesting or amusing. And lately I have found that I am seeing more things that I would like to remember, so it must be my old age catching up to me.
My daughter wanted me to go to the store with her as my little grandson wanted a WALL-E. Being only 3 years old and my daughters only child, he usually gets what he asks for if we can find it. Tonight was not the night for the robot, but we got lucky and found Mater ( the metal one in matchbox size) that he has been missing for many months now since it went down the potty and the plumber had to come rescue us but not Mater !
Getting offtrack here, so we were off to the big toy store when we decided on the way to stop and have dinner. A nearby Italian restaurant that we had not been in since they remodeled was the choice of the evening for us. Ahhh what a sweet little Roman waterfall they had at the entry way. It would have made a nice background for a pic of my grandson. But no camera !!! So we were seated and while waiting I noticed a group of older ladies known as the Red Hatters having dinner there tonight and how bright and fun looking their red hats with feathers, flowers and sparkles looked with their purple clothes. and once again I had no camera. I surely would have went over and complimented the ladies for giving me some fun memories if only I had my camera, so if you know a Red Hatter, please tell them I am a fan and I love to see them out and about having fun.
Simple things that give me a moment of enjoyment in times such as this.
Not the first time I have left home without a camera that I have been regretting. A few weeks ago, I had my camera and started taking some pics of buildings with old advertisements or store names on them. Some buildings were very old - like when they had a poultry store. Whoever heard of that in this day and age. Last week I went again with my daughter to her studio, thinking I was only going to be gone for a moment or two, left the camera at home and seen an old building advertising Billiards from way long ago. darn darn darn. and then there was some young men skateboarding doing some fancy work on them and I missed that too. although I did chat with them for a few moments and found they own their own shop.
Tonight I am going to find a way to permanently attach my simple Nikon to my body so I never leave home without it again.

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