Monday, December 7, 2009

in a childs eyes

So I have decided that there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a childs eyes when he sees something he likes. Perrin loves a lot of things in this world so far and this year he is so excited about Chris chris as he calls it. I love the way his face lights up and the amusing way he has of expressing his joy. But most of all I just love him. He always asks "are you happy" and especially when he has done something good. I hope he never becomes greedy or self centered and is always blessed with the happy disposition he has so far in this world showed me.

which is more important -tacky lights or cows ?

mmmm I need new direction for getting my creativity going again. Right now all my brain can think about is why doesnt Al Gore talk about all the holiday lights using up our natural resources... He seems to think cows are unnecessary so what about the lights ?